Custom Bookbinding: Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Need to Know About Our Handbound Books
1. What's your current turn around for custom orders?
Our turn around for custom orders varies. While most of the team is physically located in central Argentina where we hand craft your books remotely, we offer FREE SHIPPING within the USA because each week we dispatch orders to our US distributor (my awesome sister Sara). Usually, we can get a custom order to you in about 10-14 days, depending where we are in the cycle. Do be in touch to find out our current turn around! We always try to accommodate.
It's also worth keeping in mind that our turn around time is influenced by the wonder of hand crafting all items from start to finish according to your specifications.
2. Where are you located, anyways?
Most of the team is physically located in the sierras of Córdoba, Argentina (although I'm from Oregon originally). We ship weekly to our US distributor (my awesome sister) in Oregon and she distributes all orders locally via USPS. Sounds absolutely crazy, but we've been working out the kinks for over 20 years now. It's pretty cool. Truly, anything is possible.
3. Will I see a cover mock up of my book before you hand craft my custom order?
Of course! We don't complete custom orders until we get the go ahead from you. We try to get cover mock ups to folks in less than 24 hours. If you haven't heard from us, check that spam filter for messages from
4. What are your business hours?
We're self employed, we work all the time! (But we do take random Tuesday afternoons off, just because.) We try to answer all emails in less than 24 hours. For the most part we work Monday to Friday, 8-6 EST. We're always glad you were in touch, and we try to answer as soon as humanly possible, but I do have to turn that darn phone off every so often or I'll lose my mind (and drive my children absolutely nuts).
5. Are you folks for real?
Yep, we are. Magu and I are proud to have been online since 2001, sending custom hand bound books to humans all over the planet. In every single shipment cycle (every single one!) Transient Books has repeat clients. We appreciate that folks really can live without hand bound books, and so we're honored to no end that folks keep coming back for more. It makes our day to know we've become a family tradition in many homes. First the custom travel journal, then maybe a wedding book, followed by an anniversary book, and then maybe even a baby book. Graduation, retirement, and on and on. We have the best job in the world.
6. Does Transient Books ship outside the USA?
Since 2020 we began having so many issues with international delivery that we had to stop offering the service. So, for now, we've had to limit our delivery options to the USA. We do apologize, and we wish very much this were not the case.